
This has been months (years?!)  in the making, but it is with great joy that I welcome you to the launch of my new website! Pull up a chair and take a look around!

As the site grows, this is where you will learn more about me, as well as find the latest news about my adventures as a writer and children’s author, learn more about my new book, and join me as I share stories about nature – fascinating species, ecology, and the environment! And of course, because the world is full of curiosities, I’ll likely share some quirky life stories, anecdotes, and funny a-ha moments too. Oh, and fair warning, periodically sports may seep into the mix, because…baseball!

The first tidbit I’ll share… Have you noticed the ostrich on the website? Now, I betcha you’re wondering why there is an ostrich on a website filled with ocean imagery. Well, my passion is the ocean, but my last name is Strauss…and it just so happens that Strauss is the German word for ostrich. Needless to say, ostriches have long been the family mascot! Growing up, every family visit to the zoo included a family photo with the ostriches. We even had a sign at our family cottage with an ostrich on it. That sign eventually became my first “business” logo. So, in a nod to my family name, an ostrich needed to make an appearance on my new site!

This is the family sign hung at our cottage in Vermont when I was a child.

Getting up close and personal with some ostriches in Curacao!

Thanks for visiting my new site and I hope you come back soon! And please sign up to follow my blog. I look forward to connecting!


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It All Started With a Duck…