Create | Engage | Inspire

Rochelle is an award-winning children’s author, consultant and freelance writer in Toronto, Canada. She specializes in creating dynamic content that inspires hearts and engages minds. (she/her)


A storyteller by nature, Rochelle’s goal as an author is to change the world — one book at a time! Through her writing, she combines a love of nature and a passion for stories to teach children about the wonders of the natural world. She prides herself in creating narratives that inspire hearts and engage minds. Learn more about her journey as an author…

Program Designer | Education Consultant | Freelance Writer

Rochelle’s extensive experience developing programs and curating content, make her an expert at creating moments that bring learning to life. She’s always keen to chat about new opportunities to collaborate with people and organizations looking to make a difference in the world.



Follow along with Rochelle on her journey to change the world one book at a time! Check back often to learn about upcoming author appearances and public engagements, or to hear more about her adventures as an award-wining children’s author.